Kiti tapatybės tyrimai Visų laboratorijos tyrimų (įskaitant ir genetinius), kuriuos siunčiame atlikti į užsienį, kaina susideda iš tyrimą atliekančios laboratorijos kainos (+ PVM) ir mūsų klinikos paslaugos kainos (tyrimo paėmimas, persiuntimas, apmokėjimas ir t. t.). UAB „Jakovo veterinarijos centro“ paslaugos kaina, kai siunčiami vieno gyvūno tyrimai yra 33 € (kaina nurodyta su PVM) + 7 € už kiekvieną papildomą gyvūną, kurio tyrimai siunčiami kartu. (pvz., dviejų gyvūnų tyrimų siuntimas kainuotų 40 €, trijų – 47 € ir t. t.).
If more than one characteristic is requested, we charge EUR 37.21 for the first and EUR 12.00 (both prices ex. VAT) for each additional test Jei prašoma daugiau nei vieno tyrimo, už pirmąjį tyrimą prašome susimokėti 37,21 EUR, o už kiekvieną papildomą – 12,00 EUR (abi kainos be PVM)
Combination coat colours dog 8654 A-locus, B-locus, D-locus (d1), E-locus (e1), I-locus, K-locus, S-locus
A-locus (Agouti) (ASIP Analysis) 8144 all breeds
B-locus (brown, chocolate, liver(nose)) 8023 all breeds
Rare B-locus variants (alleles: b4, be, bh) 8639 b4: Australian Shepherd, Miniature American Shepherd; be: Lancashire Heeler; bh: Husky
C-locus (albino: caL, OCA2) 8644 French Bulldog, German Giant Spitz, Lhasa Apso, Pekingese, Pomeranian
C-locus (OCA4) (Bullmastiff) 8613
Coat length I (long or short hair) 8124 all breeds
Coat length II (long or short hair) 8397 Additional gene loci have to be analysed for complete characterisation of coat length in the following breeds: Afghan Hound, Akita Inu, Alaskan Malamute, Chow Chow, Eurasian, French Bulldog, Husky, Prague Rattler, Samoyed, Shar Pei
Cocoa (dark brown, dark chocolate) 8526 French Bulldog
Curly (curled hair: C1, C2) 8196 all breeds
D-locus d1 (dilution) 8136 (all breeds)
Rare D-locus variants (d2, d3) 8636 d2: Chow Chow, Sloughi, Thai Ridgeback Dog; d3: Chihuahua, Italian Greyhound, Mudi, Pumi, etc.
E-locus e1 (yellow, lemon, red, cream, apricot) 8018 all breeds
EM-locus (melanistic mask) 8146 all breeds
Rare E-locus variants e2 (allel: e2) 8126 Australian Cattle Dog
Special colours E-locus: EG, EH, eA (domino, grizzle, sabel, hare pied) 8682 eA: all breeds; EG: Afghan Hound, Barsoi, Saluki; EH: American Cocker Spaniel, English Cocker Spaniel
Furnishing (wire hair) 8195 (all breeds)
H-locus (harlequin) (Great Dane) 8254
Hairlessness (powderpuff) 8599 Chinese Crested Dog, Mexican Hairless Dog, Peruvian Hairless Dog, Scottish Deerhound
I-locus (pheomelanin intensitity) 8366 (all breeds)
Improper coat 8405 Portuguese Waterdog
K-locus (only the allele KB) 8145 Please note: the alleles kbr (brindle) and ky cannot be determined by this test
K-locus brindle 8893 all breeds (this service is not discountable if several coat characteristics are examined)
M-locus* (alleles: Mh, M, Ma+, Ma, Mc+, Mc, m) 8188 all breeds
Panda white spotting 8578 German Shepherd
S-locus (piebald, white spotting) 8438 all breeds
Saddle-tan 8307 Basset Hound, Welsh Corgi
Shedding 8403 (all breeds)
Ticking 8765 (Roan, Mottle, Spotted) (all breeds)
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